Hydrangeas are beautiful this time of year (actually any time of year.), and they would make a great centerpiece for your table. The secret about hydrangeas (Don't ask me where I learned this.) is that when they go limp you can totally bring them back to life! What you do is take your wilted hydrangeas and using sharp scissors cut off the very bottom of the stem with a diagonal cut. Then you stick them immediately in very warm water. You won't believe your eyes! (If your hydrangeas don't perk up entirely after about an hour, repeat the process until they do.) Try it. It's wild!
Also if you want to do an arrangement using oasis. I have a blog on it called "Put a Little Drama in your Life." (The easiest way to access it is to go to Creative Ideas at the top of this page and click on it.) The post shows you how to make an arrangement using a 4 quadrant design, easy but striking .
Fun Saying:
Here's another random saying: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". That hurts just thinking about it! I seem to be a little too drawn to animals gone wild (see previous: "cat got your tongue," or "that dog won't hunt").