Easy Peasy Pub Cheesy

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Do you know what puts the “Pub” in Pub Cheese? It’s beer (of course)! The Pickett family version was called “Tub Cheese”, and we purchased it regularly from Hershey’s Market on Balboa Island. We used to joke about the weird fact that it didn’t need to be refrigerated. We didn’t ask any questions, though; we just devoured it. You’ll be relieved to know that the four ingredient recipe below does need to be refrigerated. And here’s what you’ll need:

3 cups of sharp cheddar cheese

1/4 cup of beer (We used Corona Light so the beer taste wouldn’t be too strong.)

2 level teaspoons of worcestershire sauce (or as they say in the south, “wooster”)

2 level teaspoons of Rachel Ray’s Balsamic Reduction. (Traditionally Pub Cheese has mustard in it, but my taste testers weren’t feeling it, so what the heck, I threw in some balsamic reduction instead and they couldn’t have been happier!)

Put all ingredients in a food processor along with 1/4 to 1/2 level teaspoon of garlic salt and 5 cranks of ground pepper. Blend until cheese sauce is velvety smooth and creamy. (This will take quite a bit of time and some stopping and stirring.) Serve with crackers or toasted baguette slices. (We like thin toasted baguette slices better. Who wouldn’t?)

More Baguette Magic

Recently I was serving the “Pickett’s Pearls Curry Chicken Salad” to some friends and I thought parmesan crisps would go great with it! The problem was that I couldn’t find them. Thankfully I discovered that they were super easy to make and even better than store bought! Here’s what you you’ll need:

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A Baguette

1/3 cup of Olive Oil

1/4 teaspoon of Garlic Salt

Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Preheat oven to 400

Step 1. Cut the baguette in very thin diagonal slices (with a sawing motion) using a serrated knife.

Step 2. Pour about 1/3 cup of olive oil into a very small bowl and stir in a 1/4 teaspoon of garlic salt. Then brush both sides of each piece with the oil mixture.

Step 3. Sprinkle the tops with parmesan and toast on a rack at 400 until golden brown around the edges (about 8 min.).

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Super Helpful Hint

What on earth are we going to have for dinner tonight? Isn’t that what we all think at some point just about every week? One of the best things that I have ever done is make a list of dinners that my family likes and of course 90% of the main dishes are 4 ingredients, so I don’t dread making them! After I made up this list I took a pic of it, so I would always have it with me. I also have enough meal ideas, so I don’t have to listen to my family saying, “Mom we had that last week”!