Burrata is a divine Italian cheese made from fresh mozzarella and cream. Last year’s “Bella Burrata” appetizer was more savory (made with Greek olives) where this one is drizzled with balsamic reduction, which gives it a sweeter taste. Here's what you'll need for this festive appetizer:

A baguette

burrata final.jpg


Three or four balls of burrata cheese. (They usually come like regular fresh mozzarella - floating in liquid in a clear plastic container.)

A basket of small grape tomatoes

Balsamic reduction (Rachel Ray makes a great one!)

Step 1. Slice the baguette into very thin slices (about 3/4 inch) and toast them in an oven at 400 for about 5 minutes till they are very slightly browned.

Step 2. Using a spoon, chop and lightly stir the burrata in a bowl.

Step 3. Chop the tomatoes into small chunks.

Step 4. Spread a dollop of pesto on each baguette slice, then add a dollop of chopped burrata and a dollop of chopped grape tomatoes.

Step 5. Finally CAREFULLY drizzle a bit of balsamic reduction on top and serve.

  • This recipe has 5 ingredients instead of the usual 4:) Please don’t shoot me!

Tiny Trees

These tiny trees that I saw on Pinterest are super easy to make and turn out darling! Here’s what you’ll need:

Wood slices from Christmas tree bottoms. (You can get these from the guys cutting the ends off the trees at any Christmas tree lot.)

Pine cones (They often have these at tree lots as well.)

Small little gold stars (You can make them using very thin cardboard, glue stick and fine glitter.)

Hot glue gun and glue sticks

Simply hot glue the bottom of each pine cone onto the top of a wood cutting then hot glue the star on top. (You can also lightly spray these with flocking spray, shellac or adhesive and sprinkle with glitter.)

Christmas Candles

These festive candles are super easy to make. First, fill a mason jar with Christmas tree pine cuttings, cranberries and water. You then add a floating candle. (You can get the floating candles and mason jars at Michael’s.)

*These can be made for every holiday. Simply change the filling in the jars.


Looking Back

Last Christmas we did these darling Christmas Crescent Trees. I’m definitely going to make the Brie and Cranberry one this year! (They look harder to make than they are:). Also, every year I have to mention the Christmas Tree Napkin Fold. (So fun and super easy!)

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Have a Very, Very Merry Christmas!